Remedial Massage and Sports Massage in Hervey Bay and Maryborough QLD
$90.00 per 60 min sessionĀ $145.00 per 90 min session
Remedial techniques are used to heal and restore pain free movement to any restricted or injured area of the body.
A sample of individual therapeutic massage for specific problems can be seen below.
Sinus massage
(uses acupressure points and remedial techniques to release pressure and promote clearing of the sinuses)
Migraine massage
(used to relieve and prevent migraine headaches, excellent for tense necks and heads)
Colon massage
(used for digestive problems eg, constipation, flatulence.
Also to release stress from the abdomen, a common area for the storage of tension
Chest massage
(excellent for asthma and bronchitis sufferers)
Health Fund Rebates
Sports MassageĀ Hervey Bay and Maryborough
$90.00 one hour treatment
For an invigorating and stimulating treatment try a sports massage.
This treatment uses faster and harder techniques to activate circulation and warm up the muscle areas.